Monday, May 26, 2014

My Garden Revisited

Dear readers,

Welcome back to my garden !

After my last post about "Make Your Garden A Peaceful Place To Be", I thought some of you might enjoy seeing more of my garden photos.

Enjoy browsing through the many pictures of plants and landscape features...I am going to keep words to a minimum :)

Wild ferns grow fine in shady corners, beautiful and undemanding.

I planted this Leopard Tree or Brazilian Ironwood (Caesalpinia ferrea) in front of my house. This is one of my particular favourites.

The common name 'Leopard Tree' comes from the patch-work appearance of the trunk that results from the peeling bark, resembling the spots of a leopard !

A towering Brazilian Fern Tree / Tower Tree (Schizolobium parahybum) in front of my car porch.

I definitely needed something green for my eyes..

And that's all for today, my friends.

I have so much more to share but feeling refreshed and rested I must now go and prepare for the adventurous week ahead.....

Bye for now ! :)

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