Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Edible Garden

You actually don't need a lot of space to yield a variety of herbs or edible plants...Trust me!
I've grown herbs and edibe plants - just took up very little space at the back of my house. Small containers or pots also can provide you with lots of exciting plants to spice up your cooking. You may create a very manageable green space for a kitchen, patio or even small garden area.
These are the herbs that I've grown:
Kamphaeria galanga (Cekur)
Murraya koenigii (Pokok Kari)
Gynura procumbens (Sambung Nyawa)
Manihot esculenta (Ubi Kayu)
And...yes, Cucumber!
This was my 1st. cucumber...ever!
(1st. attempt growing cucumber and the plant actually produced fruit ! Woohoo !!)

Cucumbers are a viney, fast growing plant with pretty blossoms & tendrils.



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