Friday, November 2, 2007

Tropical Landscape

(Pic: One of my landscape projects in Putrajaya, Malaysia)
If you wish that you lived in a tropical getaway, all you need to do this is a little creativity and some time. A beautiful tropical landscape will impress all your friends and neighbours and don’t be surprised if they are green with envy! :)

While planning for a tropical landscape concept, you may want to include lots of green plants and colourful foliages. Lots of greenery and wild colours will enhance your tropical illusion. There are plenty of plants and flowers that will grow in any weather conditions. If you are not quite sure what plants and flowers to use and what are the best to suit the theme, these are some of the plants you may want to consider: Alocasia macrorrhiza (Elephant Ear), Monstera deliciosa (Swiss Cheese Plant), Alpinia purpurata (Red Ginger), Costus speciosus (Crape Ginger), Calathea lutea and Phillodendron spp.

Tropical plants prefer heat and humidity, but not necessarily full hot sun. Ferns, for example, do well in shady locations under trees. If you have a pond, then plant some tropical plants near the edge of the pond.

In order to fully enjoy your tropical landscape you’ll probably want to install a pathway that meanders through the garden given you and your quests a great view of all the landscape has to offer.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that Palm trees are some of the most popular options when it comes to tropical garden landscaping..beautiful pictures shared here..thanks for sharing..these ideas..:-)
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